Cookies | Fall Product Program | Fall Product Program Resources

Fall Product Program Resources

2+ Magazine Items
Elephant Patch
Send out 18+ Emails
2024 Patch
18+ Nut/Candy Items Sold
Embrace Possibility Patch
6+ Care to Share Donations
Care to Share Patch
Girl Personalized Patch Requirements
  • Create your Avatar
  • Send 18+ Emails
  • Combined Sales of $350+
  • Use the share function on the M2 site    

Volunteer Personalized Patch Requirements

  • Create your Avatar
  • Send out the Parent Adult Email Campaign (PAEC)
  • Combined Troop Sales of $1500+

Girl Crossover Patch Requirements

  • Create your Avatar during Fall
  • Send 18+ Emails during Fall
  • Use the share function on the M2 site during Fall
  • Sell 250+ packages during the Cookie Program