There are several new sessions available in gsLearn now!
New Learning Path: The Learning Path titled “GSUSA Earning the Silver Award: Your Guide to the Requirements and Process” is now available! Cadettes will be presented with real project examples and resources to understand the 7 steps to reach this achievement. While this learning path prepares Cadettes to earn the *Silver Award in a fun and interactive way, it is only accessible through the Troop Leader’s gsLearn account. Please note: each survey will need to be completed to satisfy the training assignment within each course. *Based on guidelines updated in 2023.
Important Note: This is a supplemental training resource and is optional. Please make sure girls attend the required GSofSI Silver Award trainings/meetings.
New Course: GSUSA World Thinking Day 101: An Overview for Volunteers
In this course, you’ll discover the meaning behind World Thinking Day, a very special day in Girl Scouting. You’ll learn about the World Thinking Day Award, how to use the World Thinking Day Activity Guides, and how to plan for a World Thinking Day event.
New Course: GSUSA Mental Wellness 101
Volunteer leaders will learn what mental health is and common signs of mental health conditions; explore mental health scenarios that young people may experience to better understand how to respond supportively; and learn how they can promote an environment within Girl Scouts for everyone to thrive and grow. In partnership with the National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI), this course is part of GSUSA’s commitment to helping address mental wellness for young people across the Movement and to continue equipping adult volunteers with more resources to support the Girl Scouts they work with.
New Learning Path: 416 (GSofSI Council) Troop and Service Unit Finance
Learn how to fund the fun! Volunteers, specifically the Troop or Service Unit Treasurers, have been assigned this new training path. It addresses managing budgets, handling troop funds, earning money outside of our Product Programs, and submitting financial reports. Not a Treasurer but want the training? Log into your gsLearn account and search this learning path in the Content Library.