416 (GSofSI Council) 2023 Fall Product Program Training
This course will introduce you to the 2023 Fall Product Program and prepare you to start raising funds! This course will take 30-45 minutes to complete. If you have additional questions regarding the Fall Product Program, please contact Customer Care at 800-345-6858 or via email at customercare@gsofsi.org.
GSUSA New Leader Onboarding: The Girl Scout Cookie Program
In this course, you will learn the basics of the Girl Scout Cookie Program. We will review how and why Girl Scouts sell cookies, who the bakers are that make the cookies, and how to utilize cookie proceeds raised by your troop. We’ll also review all the exciting program options you can explore with your troop as you build their entrepreneurial skills. In addition, we’ll go over cookie selling safety, and important ways to get families and caregivers involved in your troop’s cookie business adventure.