GSofSI Cookie Resources

We want the Girl Scout Cookie Program to be as successful as possible for girls and volunteers! Check out the resources below for everything you need to know about the cookie program.
What’s New | 2025 Cookie Guides | Initial Order Calculators | Important Dates | Cookie Booth Guidelines, Strategies and Tips | Cupboards | Digital Cookie | Proceeds, Money Management and ACH | Rewards | Kindness Counts | Girl Scout Juliettes | Forms and Council Resources | A Message from CEO Loretta Graham | Social Media Graphics | Cookie Celebration | National Girl Scout Cookie Weekend Booth Contest
Cookie Finances
Digital Cookie Mobile App
New! March 2025 Shipping Promo
Troop Cookie Guide:
Family Cookie Guide:
Before Cookies In Hand
Cookies In Hand
After Cookies In Hand
Notes About Zoom Calls
Zoom Calls: All Zoom meetings will use the same link.
Meeting ID: 845 3025 9139
More details about each call will be shared in the Thin Mint Press newsletter that is emailed each week.
Initial Order Calculator for Returning Troops
Use this calculator if your troop participated in the 2023-24 Cookie Program. We suggest ordering between 50-60% of last year’s sales as a starting inventory for your troop.
Initial Order Calculator for New Troops
Booth sales are a troop activity where girls set up a mobile store in front of local retailers. Your troop can decide on how many times they want to participate in a booth throughout the program. Keep in mind that now that we have switched to a direct sale, that cookie booths and walkabouts are the best options to sell your cookie inventory. Make sure when you sign up for booth sales you have girls and adults to manage the booth.
Cookie Booth Request Letter
Looking for a nice way to ask a business for booth space? Use our Cookie Booth Request Letter Form to receive a pdf letter to then send off to businesses.
All you need is the Business Name, Your Full Name, Volunteer Position, Email, and Phone Number to fill one out.
Booth FAQs
Reminder: Booths need to be entered in eBudde by the prior Sunday of the booth time slot.
Can troops contact businesses to host cookie booths at their location?
Yes, you can! Troops can contact stores that are not council-sponsored. As soon as your troop has found their location, you will need to add this information in eBudde under the “My Sales” tab. Once this is done, Girl Scouts of Southern Illinois of your SUCM will approve or deny this location. If your site is approved, the information will be uploaded into the Cookie Finder.
Can my troop accept credit cards at booth sales?
Yes! Your troop can opt to accept credit cards your booth sales! This is a great way to achieve higher sales, provide great customer service and reach more customers. In addition, working with credit card processors can help girls get hands-on experience with technology, help customers make purchases more easily and eliminate the chance of counterfeit money or bounced checks.
Walmart Booths
This will be the second year the council will secure all the Wal-Mart cookie booths. All Wal-Mart locations will be open for all troops to sign up for. GSofSI will open all Walmart time slots on a certain date, which is still to be determined, so all troops have a chance to sign up for them. When it comes time to open up the Booth timeslots for Wal-Mart, troops can sign up for four booth timeslots during the first week. After that week, troops will be able to sign up for more.
Here are some rules if your troop signs up for the Wal-Mart Cookie booth:
Donations at Booths
All donations received by the troop during a cookie booth during the cookie program are to be converted to BIF (Bake It Forward Donations) in eBudde. Every “Keep the Change” or direct contribution should also be converted into BIF. The troop should not keep cash donations during the cookie program.
Honest and Fair
We know with the magic of cookies, it is all sweetness, but we have to address the not-so-sweet stuff. First, no one likes it when people try to bend the rules. Here’s the scoop: No cookies can be delivered, sold in person, or displayed until January 11 for online DOC orders only and then February 1 for in-person orders. And any social media etiquette or booth guidelines that are not followed will result in the action(s) listed below.
We believe in being honest and fair. Being a Girl Scout means we follow the rules, not actively looking for ways to break them. We are putting these new strikes for foul play in place to make sure everyone plays by the same book and lives up to the Girl Scout Law and Volunteer Code of Conduct. These strikes count per troop, ensuring people realize this is not a school fundraiser without rules—this is the largest entrepreneurial PROGRAM for young women in THE WORLD and, as such, has guidelines that must be adhered to.
Strike 1: Consider it a friendly warning, a reminder to keep it Girl Scout-friendly.
Strike 2: You might lose your premium booth location, so play by the rules.
Strike 3: This one is serious—it means a loss of participation, and you will still owe for cookies.
All cupboard orders need to be placed by Sunday night, if needed, each week!
First and foremost, please be kind and courteous to our cupboard managers! They set their own hours based off their availability. Most cupboards are ran out of a volunteer’s home or business.
Returns and Exchanges
Cupboard Contacts
Alton - Nancy Matis
Anna - Betsy Back and Marci Malnar
Belleville - Danyel Bagby
Benton - Alicia Dixon
Carterville - Seth Kohlhaas
Charleston - Miranda Zerbst
Chester - Tiffany Bryant
Edwardsville - Council Staff
Effingham - Dawn Quicksall
Flora - Mike Burge
Highland - Nicole Balint
Mt Carmel - Libby Pearson
Mt Vernon - Sheila Jolly Scrivner
O’Fallon - Council Staff
Red Bud - Michelle Sturgill
Robinson - Lisa Wagner
Start selling on DOC here: digitalcookie.girlscouts.org
On this online selling platform, girls can personalize their Digital Cookie site and send emails to invite friends and family to buy cookies with the option of getting in-person delivery or direct shipment to their home, based on Council approved methods of delivery.
Teens can customize their online site using Digital Cookie. Once their website is set up, they can tell their network of friends and family on social media that they are taking cookie orders online.
Girls younger than 12 can ask parents or guardians for help. Encourage girls to personalize their website with their goals and cookie pitch; then parents or guardians can post or email links to friends and family.
Upon DOC Activation
Digital Cookie - No Registration Email Received
Digital Cookie - Registration Process
Digital Cookie - How Families Can Market to Customers
Accessing Digital Cookie as a Volunteer
Digital Cookie - Troop Dashboard
Digital Cookie - Volunteer Login
Customer Options
Donated cookies - Purchase virtual cookies that will be donated to Ronald McDonalds houses and local children’s hospitals.
Direct shipped - Purchase cookies that are shipped to customer address as provided. The cost for shipping is 4-8 packages $12.99 or 9-12 packages $14.99. Direct shipped orders can be placed beginning January 11.
Mobile app In Hand - Customer must meet with girl in person to purchase cookies using the Digital Cookie mobile app. The mobile app allows customers to use a credit card as payment. Cookies come out of the girl’s on-hand inventory.
Girl Delivery - Customers can order cookies online and have them delivered by the Girl Scout. Caregivers must confirm Girl Delivery for each order. If a caregiver declines delivery, the customer is given the option to cancel the order or have their cookie donated.
Tips for DOC
You will receive cookies with your initial order and should deliver to customers right away. There is no money to collect, since orders are paid for online with a credit card! Girls can only have one Digital Cookie account. Separated caregivers are encouraged to work together to manage one Digital Cookie account for their Girl Scout. Work with your troop cookie manager to get the cookies to fulfill any girl delivered orders through Digital Cookie. Girl Scouts of Southern Illinois cannot delete or change an order once approved. Therefore, you must be willing to deliver to the customer before you approve their order. Girls must approve their customers’ orders within FIVE days of the order being placed or the order will default to the customer’s second choice-either cancellation or donation. Check your email and digital orders regularly to approve those sales!
Digital Marketing Tips and Safety: Online Marketing Guidelines
Girls should NEVER share their last names, addresses, or any contact information when marketing their products. Online marketing should always be done with accounts set to private. Girls can only market their online storefront to friends and family: people that the girl or family personally knows. Girl Scouts forbids selling on storefronts or websites like Craigslist, eBay, Facebook, Amazon or sales groups where the Girl Scout does not know all the members. Digital Cookie storefronts may be deactivated if we find girls selling cookies in ways that are unsafe. Adding a $ (dollar sign) to a post on your personal page will automatically move it to FB marketplace, which is not allowed. Girl safety is our number one priority.
If you come across a Facebook post as mentioned above, please message the admin of the group and let them know the post goes against Girl Scout Marketing Guidelines. They will then have the option of then removing the post and/or letting the caregiver know that it is not allowed.
Honest and Fair
We know with the magic of cookies, it is all sweetness, but we have to address the not-so-sweet stuff. First, no one likes it when people try to bend the rules. Here’s the scoop: No cookies can be delivered, sold in person, or displayed until January 11 for online DOC orders only and then February 1 for in-person orders. And any social media etiquette or booth guidelines that are not followed will result in the action(s) listed below.
We believe in being honest and fair. Being a Girl Scout means we follow the rules, not actively looking for ways to break them. We are putting these new strikes for foul play in place to make sure everyone plays by the same book and lives up to the Girl Scout Law and Volunteer Code of Conduct. These strikes count per troop, ensuring people realize this is not a school fundraiser without rules—this is the largest entrepreneurial PROGRAM for young women in THE WORLD and, as such, has guidelines that must be adhered to.
How the Cookie Crumbles:
Zero Tolerance for Misuse of Girl Funds
Girl Scouts of Southern Illinois has a zero-tolerance policy for misuse of girl funds; any adult accepting responsibility for handling money is accountable for its proper use and safekeeping. Unresolved debt under $1,000 will be referred to a collection’s agency. Unresolved debt above $1,000 will be turned over to law enforcement for prosecution. Misuse of funds may result in legal action with law enforcement and termination of volunteer service. This policy includes both parent/caregiver and troop leader debt. Unpaid debt may jeopardize the opportunity to sever as a Girl Scouts of Southern Illinois volunteer.
In order to minimize the risk of loss, TCMs should regularly collect payments from caregivers throughout the sale and make prompt deposits into the troop bank account. Please provide weekly/monthly financial updates to families for full transparency. We appreciate your understanding and support of the Girl Scout Cookie Program. The intent of the program standards are to ensure a positive experience for all.
All Troops will earn $1.20 per package and can earn an additional $0.05 a package if the troop reaches a per girl average of 225+.
Reward Opt-Out
Troops with a majority of Cadette, Senior or Ambassadors have the option to opt out of rewards to earn an additional $0.10 per package. Opt-out troops can earn all patches and troop initial or final rewards.
Service Unit Proceeds
Service Units will earn cookie proceeds too! Each service unit can earn between $0.01 to $0.025 per package sold by troops in their service unit. Each service unit is given a cookie box goal and depending on the percentage to goal will determine the proceed rate.
Money Management
Troop Level: Cookie money belongs to the troop, and any misuse or failure to appropriately deposit funds may result in legal action taken by Girl Scouts of Southern Illinois.
To ensure the security of the money, make weekly deposits of funds into your troop’s bank account. DO NOT leave large sums of money in places that may be unsafe. This includes your vehicle(s) and your home.
Troops must deposit all monies form cookie sales including troop proceeds. Troops should not spend troop proceeds until all cookie balances are paid in full with Girl Scouts of Southern Illinois. Troop cookie managers should regularly collect payments form caregivers throughout the sale to minimize the risk of loss and/or outstanding balances.
Money Safety
What to do if theft occurs:
You will give this receipt to a girl/caregiver when they pick up cookies from you. The TCM will keep the white copy and the caregiver gets the yellow copy. Again, please keep these receipts for your records even after the sale is over.
You will get a receipt whenever you pickup cookies from your designated cookie cupboard. You may also print your own receipt from the eBudde cupboard transactions tab. It is important to save these receipts for your records even after the sale is over in case there is a discrepancy or a caregiver debt.
Cupboard managers may use a printed eBudde transaction receipt instead of a product receipt. The receipts work the same way. You may also print this receipt out form home when you place your cupboard order.
Cookie/Money Exchange Electronic Receipt
We have available an electronic receipt that troops and caregivers can utilize while money or cookies exchanges hands. This can be used in placed of the paper receipt books, if preferred or if paper runs out. The volunteer and caregiver will each receive an email copy of the receipt if an email is provided for both parties.
Stay organized! Every time that you pick up cookies form your troop cookie manager and/or give her/her money, be sure to get a receipt Keep all receipts for your records. Do not take cookies from the TCM or give him/her money without also receiving a receipt in return.
For each transaction, troop cookie managers are caregivers should count cookies and money together, then complete a receipt for the transaction. This way everyone is on the same page.
Note: Troops that get checks with Non-sufficient funds, can send those to their state’s attorney office collection.
What is an ACH?
ACH is a process called Automated Clearing House. It is an electronic funds transfer from your troop account to Girl Scouts of Southern Illinois.
What is the ACH Form?
The form is needed in order to establish an eBudde account. Every troop must fill out and sign this form.
If you are unsure if any of the above forms have been submitted, you can reach out to Council Customer Care or your SUT for the submitted ACH/permission forms.
Download a copy of the 2025 Rewards Card
Initial Order Rewards
If your troop earned the initial order reward(s), these will now be given out at the time of the service unit initial order cookie pickup!
75+ cases ordered: each registered girl in eBudde will receive a Girl Scout money bag
100+ cases ordered: Each troop will receive a booth kit bundle of the tabletop riser, two-sided table cloth and carrying tote if the troop’s initial order is 100+ cases.
Cookie Techie Week, 2nd Chance
From February 21-28, girls can earn the cookie techie patch if they complete the following:
Already met all these requirements during the first cookie techie week? Wonderful! Girl Scouts who sell an additional 25 packages through Digital Cookie this week will be entered into a drawing to win 1 of 10 Cookie Surprise Swag Bags.
Cookie Techie Week
From January 11-25 (Extended Dates) girls can earn the cookie techie patch if they complete the following:
Adventure Bucks
Adventure Bucks can be used to register for any event listed on our gsEvents calendar. Email instructions will be sent by April 1 on the redemption process. Adventure Bucks will expire on March 1, 2026.
Higher Reward Levels
Final reward level 1000 to 2025: Council will work with and ship these rewards directly to the Girl Scout. Girl Scout home addresses must be up to date on their Girl Scout membership account.
Cookie Crossover Patch
Patches will be mailed directly to the Girl Scout from M2. Please contact M2 customer care if you have any questions on your patch’s status. 800-372-8520
To earn:
While our youth Girl Scouts are the heart of our organization, it can only happen with our registered adult members. These amazing adults act with kindness and empathy daily, demonstrating the behavior we want our Girl Scouts to learn. When you see another adult in this uplifting way, you can highlight them by nominating them for a Kindness Counts patch.
These nominations are for adults who have shown you kindness. At the end of the cookie program, every person nominated will receive our Kindness Counts Patch. We will also feature some nominations on our social media page.
Independent girls, known as Juliettes, may participate in the Girl Scout Cookie Program, learn business skills, and earn rewards! Juliettes cannot have a troop account; therefore, proceeds will be calculated on a per box range and will be distributed in the form of a council gift card.
Girl Scout Juliettes will no longer receive a physical council gift card. Instead, each Juliette will be assigned a virtual gift card number. This gift card will stay with the Juliette throughout her Girl Scouting years, and will be reloaded with the proceed amount earned at the end of each Product Program.
Similar to the GS Bucks process, to use proceeds earned, fill out a Juliette Proceeds Request form. This form will ask for the amount requesting to be used and what the girl would like to use it on. In the case of a program event, resident camp, or day camp the caregiver will need to know the name, date, and cost of the event. Juliettes can also use their proceeds on SU events. Customer care will then process your request and be in contact with the caregiver. In the case of a shop purchase, the shop will be in contact with the caregiver within 4 business days to collect the order.
Juliettes will earn $1.20 per package sold. These funds will be loaded onto a virtual council gift card.
Initial Order
How does the Juliette Come Up with Her Initial Inventory? By goal setting which is an important life skill!
When Can the Juliette's Starting Inventory Order (IO) be Picked-up? Communicate often and frequently with your Juliette Advisor.
Ways to Sell
Walkabouts: Door-to-door sales with cookies in-hand!
Cookie Booths: Juliette Girl Scouts can participate in a booth sale or Lemon Up Stand.
Digital Cookie: online sales.
Gift of Caring Donations: Donations can be collected from all aspects of the Cookie Program!
Getting More Cookies
The Service Unit Cookie Manager/Juliette Advisor can order additional cookies as needed. Please out to them if you need additional cookies. As a reminder, orders can only be placed in full case amounts.
Paying for Cookies
How is Money from Product Sales Handled?
Forms and Links
Cookie/Money Exchange Electronic Receipt
Unpaid Girl/Caregiver Balances
Printable Resources
Troop Product Manager Position Description
Ingredients and Food Allergen Guide
Additional Websites
Little Brownie Bakers | littlebrowniebakers.com
The official baker of Girl Scout Cookies! You’ll find information, fun and games for girls.
Girl Scout Cookie Finder | Find Cookies
Digital Cookie | digitalcookie.girlscouts.org
Cookie portal for girls to create their online store front, set goals, track sales, and email customers.
Download these social media graphics to help promote your upcoming booth!
The Top Three Cookie Sellers from each service unit will be invited to a special Cookie Celebration. We're having a dance party, with music and games, Girl Scout style!
More Details:
Location: Rolland Lewis Community Building, Mt. Vernon
Date: May 3
Time: TBA
Each Girl Scout will get to bring one adult guest with them to share the fun.
That Girl Scout Cookie box contains so much more than a tasty treat! Maybe your cookie proceeds took you to camp or paid for you to travel. Did the power of the Girl Scout Cookie help you buy supplies for an animal shelter or backpacks for a school in your community?
Decorate your booth so customers can see all that is possible when they support your cookie biz! Then, submit your troop booth photo.
One lucky troop will earn a Cookie Celebration Pizza Party!