Members | For Girl Scouts | Council's Own Badges and Patch Programs

Patch programs provide Girl Scouts an opportunity to enjoy a variety of activities while earning a fun badge!

Patch Point: Healthy Living

Each month, our Patch Point will feature a patch that Girl Scouts can earn at their own pace! Feel free to follow along or to pick and choose which of our patch programs you'd like to complete by browsing all of the opportunities below! Open the drop down to learn how you can earn the Healthy Living patch.

Seasonal Patches

Sunday, March 9–Saturday, March 15

From our current Girl Scouts and volunteers to our alums – you all are an important part of our Girl Scout family! We are inviting all GSofSI girls and adults to show off their Girl Scout spirit during Girl Scout Week 2025 with some fun and easy ideas below for each day! Download the Girl Scout Week 2025 calendar for quick reference.

Girl Scout Week patches are available in the Council Shop. Also, don’t forget to post to social media and tag us on Facebook to share the sisterhood of Girl Scouts!

To earn the patch, participation is based on grade level. Do at least one activity that day to qualify:

  • Daisies and Brownies – Participate in at least 3 days of Girl Scout Week
  • Juniors and Cadettes – Participate in at least 4 days of Girl Scout Week
  • Seniors and Ambassadors – Participate in at least 5 days of Girl Scout Week

Grab your hats, mittens, scarves, and skates - It's a Winter Challenge Checklist!  Learn something new at a fun nature preserve, create adventures in the backyard, or join Girl Scouts of Southern Illinois for wintery fun events across our council. Registration coming soon!

Register between December 1-February 28 to receive the Winter Challenge Checklist Activity Sheet.

Once you complete the activities, pre-order your Winter Challenge Checklist patch from our Online Council Shop. Please do so before March 15.

No in-person events are required, but we do have several lined up to help you check off those boxes. Check our event calendar for a current list of council activities!

Patch Requirements

Girl Scouts who complete all the activities listed below will earn the Girl Scouts of Southern Illinois Asthma Awareness Patch. This patch is to help girls and leaders learn about asthma and how to respond to an asthma emergency.


  • Learn about the respiratory system and how people breathe.
  • Learn what asthma is and the causes, or triggers, of an asthma attack.
  • Learn what are some signs and symptoms of an asthma attack.

Learn the procedure how to help someone who is having an asthma attack with the following steps:

  1. Stay calm.
  2. Ask the person if she/he has asthma. If so, help them with their
    medication if they need help.
  3. Notify a parent/guardian immediately.
  4. Call 911 and follow the instructions from the 911 operator if emergency
    help is needed.

Practice this procedure with other members of your troop using toy phones (do not call 911 unless it is a real emergency).

  • Learn lung-smart health tips.
  • Teach other people and Girl Scouts about asthma.
Take the Backyard Challenge! Complete the required number of activities based on your age level as indicated at the bottom of the activities sheet . Have fun exploring your backyard!

Girl Scouts who complete all the activities listed below will earn the Girl Scouts of Southern Illinois Bowling Patch.


Learn about Bowling Scorekeeping:

  • What is a strike?
  • What is a spare?
  • What is a split?
  • What is a gutter ball?
  • What is a turkey?
  • How many frames are there in a game of bowling?
  • How many turns do you get to have each frame?
  • In the 10th frame, how do you get to have a 3rd turn?

Learn how to keep score and keep track of your own score during the game.

Learn about Bowling Equipment:

  • Why do you have to wear special bowling shoes?
  • How many holes does a bowling ball have?
  • What is the surface of the lane made of?
  • What is a foul line?

Learn about Bowling Etiquette:

  • Learn 2 bowling etiquette practices.

Learn about Bowling History:

  • When did bowling begin?
  • What is the professional organization a female bowler can belong to?
  • Learn about three famous female bowlers.
  • What are the benefits you receive from bowling?
  • Plan and carry out a session at a local bowling alley.

Join us for an exciting adventure into the world of amphibians. The Frog Pond patch program is available for all Girl Scout levels and offers an immersive exploration of nature and science.  

The Frog Pond patch program is for all grade levels. Once completed, patches can be purchased at the GSofSI Council Shop. 

Patch Requirements:

  • Daisies / Brownies – Choose 1 activity from 3 categories listed below 
  • Juniors / Cadettes – Choose 1 activity from 4 categories listed below 
  • Seniors / Ambassadors – Choose 1 activity from 5 categories listed below 

Gymnastics can be a fun exercise that your troop can participate in together.


  • Plan and carry out a gymnastics session at a local gymnastics studio.
  • Participate in a warm-up exercise before starting your gymnastics session. Learn why this is important.
  • Learn how to do a forward roll, walk on the balance beam, and swing on the uneven bars.
  • Learn about gymnastics.
  • Learn about four different gymnastic events.
  • Learn two safety practices in gymnastics/tumbling.
  • Learn about a famous female gymnast. Why is she famous?

Get healthy and fit this Girl Scout year! Complete 5 of the 9 activities listed below to earn the Healthy Living Patch. All activities are designed to encourage girls to be active, try a new activity or sport, eat healthy, and to have a well-balanced lifestyle. 

Requirements: Complete 5 of the 9 Activities 

  • Participate in a 5K walk/run 
  • Take a 20 minute hike at your local park
  • Attend a cooking class and learn one new healthy recipe 
  • Take a self-defense or tae kwon do class 
  • Take a dance, gymnastics, or aerobics class (including yoga, Zumba, Pilates, etc.) 
  • Participate in a GSofSI outdoor program 
  • Earn the First Aid Badge for your program level (Brownies – Ambassadors) 
  • Earn the Gloria Petal-Respect Myself and Others (Daisies only) 
  • Participate in one of the outdoor camp activities: archery, canoeing, geocaching, rock climbing, swimming, or sailing 

Highest Awards Path Patch Program

Girl Scouts make such a difference while earning our Highest Awards! Our Council's Highest Awards Path patch program invites girls to learn more about Highest Awards projects found throughout Southern Illinois. By participating in this patch program, Girl Scouts will explore locations where Gold Award Girl Scouts and Silver Award Girl Scouts have made a lasting impact.

Join us in celebrating their hard work and commitment! Take a day trip to visit the various locations and don’t forget to check out the projects at Camp Torqua! Have a vacation planned and will already be traveling? Plan a stop along the way to see these amazing Highest Award projects!

Check out the locations where you can find Silver and Gold Award projects.

The Highest Awards Path patch program is for all grade levels. This patch program can be completed at your own pace. Patches can be purchased in the Online Council Shop!

Patch Requirements:

  • Daisies / Brownies – Visit and Enjoy 5 Silver or Gold Award project locations
  • Juniors / Cadettes - Visit and Enjoy 7 Silver or Gold Award project locations
  • Seniors / Ambassadors - Visit and Enjoy 10 Silver or Gold Award project locations


  • Can we count multiple projects at one location? YES!
  • My Girl Scout is going to camp this summer; can we count that? Yes!
  • My Girl Scout created a Highest Award project; does that count? Yes!

Were you inspired by any Highest Awards project? Do you have a great idea that you would like bring to life? Learn how you can get started with your Highest Award project by visiting our Highest Awards Resources page.

Girl Scouts take pride in their patriotism and sharing their appreciation with the U.S. Military and Veterans who serve to protect our freedom.

Once girls complete two activities from the list below, they will show their pride by receiving an “Honoring our Veterans” patch to wear proudly on their Girl Scout uniforms.   

  • Complete a service project benefitting Veterans
  • Visit a Veterans' Home
  • Lead an activity with Veterans
  • Send cards of appreciation to a Veterans' Home or overseas to active duty service members (an example included below, you can also connect with local organizations):
  • Visit a Veterans' Association and learn about challenges that Veterans might face
  • Volunteer at a Veteran-focused program or event taking place at a local American Legion or VFW
  • Participate in an Honor Flight 
  • Place flags in a  cemetery to honor Veterans
  • Interview a Veteran and tell his/her story
  • Volunteer with a therapy dog organization that provides therapy dogs for Veterans

Girl Scouts can earn the “Martial Arts” patch by learning about various types of martial arts, and/or learning and practicing self-defense tactics. 

To earn the Martial Arts Patch, complete the number of activities respective to your Girl Scout level below:

Daisies and Brownies - Complete at least 3 activities.

Juniors and Cadettes - Complete at least 4 activities.

Seniors and Ambassadors - Complete at least 5 activities.

  • Research the different types of martial arts: Karate, Taekwondo, Kung Fu, Judo, etc.
  • Learn the history of a chosen type of martial arts.
  • Research a famous martial arts artist.
  • Interview a dojo owner about their entrepreneurship journey and their passion for martial arts.
  • Attend a martial arts class and learn basic moves.
  • Learn how to break a wooden board with an open palm strike!
  • Create a routine using the moves you learned at your martial arts class.
  • Watch a movie about martial arts.
  • Attend a local self-defense class.
  • Learn about Stranger Danger, Self-Awareness and/or Anti-Bullying Tactics.
  • Research ways to spot a potential attacker.
  • Learn about common scams used to abduct others.
  • Research ways to break out of a chokehold, wrist grab, and shoulder grab.
  • Watch a video on self-defense.

Check out these videos made by Ellie, a Gold Award Girl Scout from Southern Alabama.

Self Defense Video #1

Self Defense Video #2

Self Defense Video #3

For assistance completing this patch, check the Event Calendar for dates at one of our Martial Arts Preferred Program Partners, or contact them to set up a unique time for your troop to visit!

Carbondale Park District Karate Program - Carbondale, IL
Championship Martial Arts - Swansea, IL and Columbia, IL
McArther's Tae Kwon Do – Collinsville, IL

Explore the outdoors after dark!


  • Play an outdoor game at night – flashlight tag, bat and moth, night watchman, wolf pack, etc. Was it more fun playing after dark?

  • Hold a flashlight on a light surface and see how many bugs are attracted to the light. Why do you think this is?
  • Go on a night hike and look for eye shine reflected back at you. (You can use the reflective eyes from the kit or make your own if you don’t think you’ll see any wildlife.) What makes an animal’s eye reflect the light? How does this help them see?
  • Turn your flashlight off, and sit quietly in the dark. Name an animal you hear. What do you think it is doing? What does it do during the day?
  • Check your vision by trying this activity: Pair up and focus on your partner’s face. You will notice your partners’ heads begin to disappear. Simply shift your eyes back and forth to make the head reappear. 
  • Your peripheral vision helps you navigate at night. What would happen if you walked down a trail and only focused ahead?

Try a few owl calls and see if you get a response! Three owls we have in our council are:

  • Great Horned Owl (Whooo’s awake? Meee Toooo)
  • Barred Owl (Who cooks for you, who cooks for you all?)
  • Screech Owl (make a whinny through your nose like a horse)

This is a club that is open to any camper (youth only) who can start a campfire and keep it going for at least 5 minutes with only one match and without the use of fire starters at a Girl Scout function (ie. Day Camp, Council, Troop, or Service Unit Campout/Program). Members will receive a patch to be worn to be worn proudly on the back of their vest or sash.


  • Light a campfire and keep it going for at least 5 minutes using only one match and without the use of fire starters.
  • Have two people witness your talent of lighting a one-match fire, one witness being an adult Girl Scout.
  • You may only receive this award once.
Please visit our Outdoor page to learn more about Girl Scouts of Southern Illinois' Outdoor Patch Progression Requirements !

Girl Scout programming is built on four pillars of experience that help girls thrive: life skills, STEM, outdoors, and entrepreneurship. This strong foundation helps fulfill Girl Scouts’ Mission of building girls of courage, confidence, and character, who make the world a better place.

Girls can gain new interests and broaden their skills by exploring activities in each pillar! They are invited to take our Pillar Power challenge to earn a patch and build a strong base that will encourage them to grow.  

To complete the challenge, all you need to do is consult our Pillar Power Chart of Activities and find a way to incorporate something from each pillar into your life. Below is a list of how many activities from each pillar your Girl Scout level must complete:

  • Daisy - Complete 1 activity from each pillar.
  • Brownie - Complete 2 activities from each pillar.
  • Junior - Complete 3 activities from each pillar.
  • Cadette - Complete 4 activities from each pillar.
  • Senior - Complete 5 activites from each pillar.
  • Ambassador - Complete 6 activities from each pillar.

The purpose of the Recycling patch is to encourage girls to think about what happens to the trash that goes in the trash can. It inspires girls to reduce, reuse, and recycle trash and to teach others in the community how easy it is to “Save the Earth” and make the world a better place!


Visit a recycling center, watch a recycling movie, or read some recycling books to find out the answers to the questions below:

  • What happens to the garbage when it leaves your house?
  • What does the term biodegradable mean?
  • What do the “Three Rs” stand for? Which is the most important to you?
  • What do the numbers on the bottom of plastic containers mean?
  • Why is it important to recycle?
  • Can you recycle the same thing over and over?
  • Make something out of recycled materials – a model, a desk organizer, locker accessory, etc. Have a contest in your troop or service unit to pick the most colorful, most useful, most material reused, etc.


Complete at least one of the following six activities:

  • Make your own recycled paper from scrap paper that you have lying around.
  • Play a recycling game.
  • Make recycling posters to hang up at your home or school.
  • Do a comparison between a recycled product and a non-recycled product. For example, if you choose recycled paper, does it fold differently or look different when you write on it? Does it rip easier, or is it stronger?
  • Make your own traveling recycler for the next time you do an activity at a place that only has trash cans.
  • Do a trash hike, but sort the garbage into recyclables and non-recyclables (use gloves!), and then take the recyclables to a recycling center.

Roller skating is a fun activity that helps girls stay fit and strong. Troop leaders are asked to adjust the activity for age appropriateness.


  • Plan and carry out a session of roller skating at a local skating rink.
  • Learn about different kinds of skates that are available.
  • Learn about the maintenance of a roller rink. What makes the floor so special?
  • Take a roller skating lesson.
  • Learn how to stop, go, turn, and balance on one skate.
  • Learn two skating etiquette practices.
  • Play a game while on roller skates.
  • Learn about the history of roller skating.
  • Learn some benefits you receive from skating.
  • Learn about some sports that take place on roller skates.

Girl Scout's LOVE State Parks! Girl Scouts of Southern Illinois has five locations your troop can choose to visit and earn the State Park Patch: Giant City State Park, Cache River State Park, Beal Woods State Park, Pere Marquette State Park and Fort Massac State Park. 

To Earn the Patch:

  • Visit one of the State Parks listed 
  • Go to the Visitor's Center and ask to check out a Girl Scout State 
    Park Patch Backpack (for free!) which will include everything you
    need for your adventure
  • Set off around the park and learn about the history, flora and fauna
  • Complete the Patch Guide and return it to the Visitor's Center
    to get a signature
  • You did it! Fill out the patch order form and your new badge
    will be shipped out to you!


State Park Patch Program Guides:

Giant City State Park Booklet
Cache River State Park Booklet
Beall Woods State Park Booklet
Pere Marquette State Park Booklet
Fort Massac State Park Booklet

Women In STEM Patch Program

Girl Scouts of Southern Illinois is proud to offer a Women In STEM Patch Program! Women in STEM have been impacting our lives for years, but do you know who they are? Do you know what they have contributed? This patch will take us back in time to learn about the impact of women in STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Math) fields and how they made history. Let’s learn and explore together! Girl Scout troops and individual girls are invited to participate in this patch program!

Select only one of the following “Women in STEM” to learn more about them and earn this patch! Choose from Marie Curie, Edith Clarke, Katherine Johnson or Barbara McClintock.

When you have made your selection - fill out the Women In STEM Activity Sheet about her!

How do you complete the activity sheet?

Do some research! Watch a movie, watch a YouTube video, read a magazine, or read a book about them. Then, fill out the sheet with information about your chosen “Woman in STEM.” 

After completing the sheet, the patch can be preordered through the shop.  Order your patch now!

Women In STEM Extension Patches

Earn additional add-on patches for extra learning with women in Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics!

In addition to the main Women in STEM patch there are three optional bar patches uniquely designed to pair along. Each bar has a set of three different optional requirements Girl Scouts can complete. The extension patches can be ordered in the Online Council Shop!

Download the extension patches activity sheet!


Council's Own Badges