Girl Scouts and Mental Wellness

Life isn’t always easy, but dealing with tricky emotions doesn’t have to be so hard. Try activities from the Girl Scouts: Resilient. Ready. Strong. program to unlock a patch and strengthen your mental wellness. Nobody can snap their fingers and make the world all sunshine and lollipops, but you can take steps to be ready when things get tough. Go get ‘em, Girl Scout!
Visit the Girl Scout Wellness Activites page on Girl Scouts website to download the activity guide and order your patch!
Becoming a Girl Scout means tapping into a supportive group of people who uplift you every step of the way. When it comes to caring for your mental wellness, the new Girl Scouts Mental Wellness patch program reminds you that you’re never alone in facing challenges and further invites you to dive into and understand your emotions. You can do this by participating in activities, such as making art or writing poetry, that foster resilience and help you to better understand your world. No matter the season, never doubt your ability to rise up, and remember—you got this.
The Mental Wellness Patch Program: Why It Matters and How to Implement It
Visit gsLearn to take the course named "GSUSA The Mental Wellness Patch Program: Why It Matters and How to Implement It."
This course shares the best practices for holding a Mental Wellness Patch Program to give Girl Scouts the tools and support they need to better understand and care for their mental health.
The course is approximately 20 minutes long. The first two parts of the course review mental wellness concepts and provide an overview of the program as a whole. Part three provides specific tracks for each program level. It is highly recommended that you complete the GSUSA Mental Wellness 101 and GSUSA Delivering Inclusive Program courses before starting this one. Completing all of these trainings offers you a chance to get the most out of the Mental Wellness Patch Program and will help you promote an environment where girls can thrive and grow.
Detailed choice activities, meeting tools, and additional resources and materials can be found within the Volunteer Toolkit (VTK) on my.girlscouts.org
Youth Mental Heath First Aid
Looking for more ways to support the mental wellness of your Girl Scouts? Enroll in our Youth Mental Health First Aid certification program!
Youth Mental Health First Aid is designed to teach parents, family members, caregivers, teachers, school staff, peers, neighbors, health and human services workers, and other caring citizens how to help an adolescent (age 12-18) who is experiencing a mental health or addictions challenge or is in crisis. Learn more.
Watch our online calendar for Youth Mental First Aid training dates!