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2025 Recognition of Excellence

Awards Presented at Recognition of Excellence

Girl Scout Silver Award
The Girl Scout Silver Award is the second highest award in Girl Scouting and the highest honor a Girl Scout Cadette can achieve. For their Silver Award, Cadettes focus on an issue they care about, learn the facts, and take action to make a difference. They gain the confidence and skills that will catapult them to lifelong success.

Learn more about the Girl Scout Silver Award.

Girl Scout Gold Award
Since 1916, Girl Scouts have been making meaningful, sustainable change in their communities and around the world. The Girl Scout Gold Award, the most prestigious award in the world for girls to earn, and only offered by Girl Scouts, recognizes leadership, effort, and impact that Girl Scout Seniors and Girl Scout Ambassadors have on their communities. Only about 5 percent of eligible girls take the rigorous path toward earning this prestigious award, and those who complete the journey change the lives of others and their own in amazing and significant ways.

Learn more about the Girl Scout Gold Award.

Living Her Legacy
The Living Her Legacy award recognizes a leader, co-leader, and/or member of the leadership team (Troop Treasurer, Troop Product Program Manager- Fall, Troop Product Program Manager - Cookies) that started a troop as kindergarten Daisies and continued the same troop until the girls became graduated Ambassadors. 

Sustained Service
The Sustained Service Award recognizes a long-term Girl Scout volunteer who has continued to provide exemplary service at the service unit level for at least 10 years.

Heart of Gold
The Heart of Gold award recognizes the long-term impact a volunteer has had on girls and adults in his/her community through involvement in Girl Scouting. The service of this volunteer has been an integral part of maintaining and recruiting new girls and/or adults in one or more areas of the council.